Did you know that most commercial dryers continue running
for 8 to 12 minutes after the laundry is dry?
Drying laundry that is already dry is a waste of energy, and a waste of time and money:
Vended Laundries:
- Save $4,000 to $6000 per year in energy cost.
On Premise Laundries:
- Save $3,000 – $5000 per year in energy cost.
- Save $10,000 – $20,000 per year in labor cost.

How Does DrySmart Save?
In a Vended dryer, when DrySmart determines that the laundry is dry, it allows the dryer to continue running and turns the heat down to approximately 15%, maintaining about 100 degree laundry. This saves about 85% of the energy wasted during overdry, and the retail customer always gets warm dry laundry.
In an OPL dryer, when DrySmart determines that the laundry is dry, it enters cooldown mode for a few minutes and then stops the dryer. This saves fuel, electricity, labor, and materially increases linen life.
DrySmart Pays for Itself
- In a Vended laundry, typical payback is less than 24 months.
- In an On Premise Laundry, typical payback is less than 12 months.
- Excellent leasing and finance plans are available.
- Savings typically exceed monthly payments.

What is DrySmart?
Most commercial dryers continue running for 8 to 12 minutes after the laundry is dry. This overdry time wastes energy, increases operating cost, and reduces linen life.
When installed in a commercial dryer, DrySmart automatically determines when a load of laundry is dry. This is known as Residual Moisture Control or RMC.
DrySmart RMC is an affordable, field installable upgrade for existing dryers, with the same performance and benefits of factory installed RMC.
DrySmart uses innovative software to accurately determine laundry moisture content, with no added probes or sensors.
DrySmart eliminates overdry time, reducing energy cost, and increasing linen life.
When DrySmart is installed, the dryer immediately has fully automatic moisture control, and immediately begins saving your laundry money.

Monitor DrySmart and your Dryers
Every DrySmart maintains a detailed data log that can be downloaded via the DrySmart App for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
Available Parameters Include:
Turns per Day
Total Completed Turns
Total Truncated Turns
Total Dryer Run Minutes
Average Minutes per Turn
Total Overdry Time Saved
Total Overdry Energy Saved
Average Overdry Time Saved per Turn